Our retail clothing store POS software can accommodate up to three dimensions and allow you to copy “template” dimensions from item-to-item.
Slice and Dice sales or inventory reporting by a particular dimension for even greater insight. Choose to track at the style level on items for which grid level tracking provides you little value.
Identifying clothing is easy for candidates to additional buy-in and/or markdown with CounterPoint POS system. Counterpoint can run the hot/cold report and identify items with longer or shorter weeks of supply than desired.
Create markdown lists by using season codes or even sub-season codes. Clothing retailers using CounterPoint POS system don’t stress about setting up specific items when a vendor is putting on a trunk show.
CounterPoint POS system allows them to capture descriptions of items as part of selling a “misc” item. Alternatively, if the vendor can provide a list of their items in a spreadsheet, you can quickly and easily upload them.